How can you assist SBS clients?
As the Business and Community Development Specialist, I am constantly looking for ways that Senior Benefit Services can work with area businesses and organizations to help seniors. I am always seeking out networking opportunities, and other events to help our agent force reach more seniors.
Tell us about yourself!
I was born and raised in Trenton, Missouri, most of my family still lives there and I visit often. After I was “raised” I attended college at Missouri State University and obtained a degree in Marketing with and emphasis in Advertising and Promotion. I spent some time in the grocery retail business before my start with Senior Benefit Services. I can honestly say that I love waking up every morning and coming to work, I work with a fantastic team that have the privilege of helping seniors save time and money. While not spreading the word about how great Senior Benefit Services is, I enjoy cheering on Kansas City sport teams, going to concerts, volunteering with Kiwanis’ Key Clubs, cooking, spending time with my family and playing with my dog, Rango.
What are 3 words that describe you?
I have been told a time or two that I am loyal, hardworking and funny.
Who is your favorite musician or band?
Recently I have got into the “Red Dirt Country” music genre. I try to catch as many of those concerts that I can when they come into town. I have seen The Josh Abbott Band, Jason Boland and the Stragglers and Turnpike Troubadours. After seeing them preform live I fell in love with their music even more.
Who has inspired you the most either personally or professionally?
My grandparents give me inspiration every day. My grandmother was actually an orphan and truly came from nothing. My grandparents started a successful business and manage to give back to the community. They have always said, “Work hard, play hard and be lucky enough to not know the difference.”