How can you assist SBS clients?
I assist clients with Benefits questions on their Medicare Advantage and Prescription drug plans. I can locate providers, pharmacies and help with any issues that arise with your coverage.
What is your favorite comfort food?
My favorite comfort food is Thai Green Curry. It is so flavorful and delicious.
Tell us about yourself:
I was raised in Kansas City, Mo. and we relocated to Columbia, Mo for my husband’s work November of 2018. My husband and I were married September 23, 2017. I have a beautiful stepdaughter, 3 dogs and many nieces and nephews. My family bring me so much happiness and joy. I have always known that I wanted to help people and I able to accomplish this by being apart of this team, able to learn something new everyday, to assist clients and taking care of their needs adds to my joy and sense on fulfillment.
What are three words that describe you:
Friendly, hard working, invested.
Who inspires you?
My Mother.