Did you know that Medicare Supplement Plan F is no longer available to New Medicare beneficiaries? If you are currently enrolled in a Plan F or Plan C, you may be able to change your plan to a lower premium – no health questions asked!
Now Through June 30, 2021, there is a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) in Colorado for beneficiaries who are enrolled in one of these plans:
People who already have Medicare Plans C and F are able to keep their current coverage, but they should also expect to pay higher premiums in the coming years.
Premium prices rise as the average age of beneficiaries on a plan goes up. Without new beneficiaries joining the plans to lower the average age of the pool, premiums are expected to increase year after year.
To remedy this, Colorado law makers have created a one-time special enrollment period that will allow any beneficiary enrolled in Plan C to move to Plan D, and those enrolled in Plan F to change to Plan G with no medical underwriting. This special enrollment period lasts from January 1st, 2021 to June 30th, 2021.
What is Underwriting you might ask?
“Underwriting is the process Insurance companies use to determine the risk involved in providing coverage to an individual. Multiple factors determine this risk including age, medical history, etc.”
Not requiring underwriting during this special enrollment period means that a Colorado Medicare Beneficiary on Plan C or F can switch to a D or G without the risk of being denied coverage under the new plan.
Please call our office with any questions or to see if YOU qualify!